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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  January 20, 2013 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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welcome back. that's all for us tonight. tomorrow is the big day -- the floats, the parades, and the inauguration ball. that will be all right here on cnn as president barack obama is inaugurated for a second time. i can't wait. now anderson cooper. a big night tonight as washington gets ready for an even bigger day tomorrow, as many as 800,000 people expected. tomorrow morning, president obama will make the journey from the white house to this end of pennsylvania avenue. up here to capitol hill. then at noon he'll rest one hand on a pair of historic bibles and be sworn in. he'll address the world and be
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welcomed into the history books. for the first time in a long time, the first time since the ronald reagan second inaugurati inauguration, it will all be a formality. law requires presidents and vice presidents be sworn in on the 20th. today the 20th, they were in two quiet ceremonies. >> please raise your right hand and repeat after me. i, barack hussein obama, do solemnly swear that i will faithfully execute the office of president of the united states, and will to be best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the united states so help me god. >> congress gratulations, mr. president. >> thank you chief justice. >> last time the chief justice
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fumbled the words, this time he nailed it. president obama using a family bible today. tomorrow he'll use the lincoln bible. a lot to talk about tonight, vice president biden took the oath earlier, his residence the naval observatory. sonia sotomayor doing the honors there. yesterday during a surprise appearance at the iowa inaugural ball the vice president did -- well, sort of a joe biden. >> i'm proud to be president of the united states. but i'm prouder to be -- >> a few seconds ago he corrected himself. a few minutes ago, he and his wife and the president and the first lady all spoke at a
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celebration. the subject was hair, specifically michelle obama's new bangs. >> first of all, i love michelle obama. and to address the most significant event of this weekend, i love her bangs. she looks good. she always looks good. >> president obama just earlier tonight. raw politics looking ahead to tomorrow and, of course, looking ahead at the next four years, we have a team of professionals here, who have seen a lot of presidential history being made. republican consultant margaret hoover joining us, ari fleischer, paul begala and van jon jones. paul, you wrote an article in "the daily beast" i think it was
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today, you basically said, the president should say all the right things in his speech tomorrow about coming together and unity, and then he should go out and be ruthless? >> yes, yes. he famously hosted steven spielberg and daniel day-lewis and the stars behind the movie "lincoln." that is the lesson of lincoln, in his first inaugural he talked about the appealing to our nature. and then he went to war. he tried, president obama has tried. they have to change the culture in which they're placed. but in this case, the division that we have in the country, it's not going to be healed. it wasn't hailed by president clinton who desperately wanted to, and it wasn't healed by president bush. it has not been healed by president barack obama. you run the country with the climate you have not what you want. >> he should be ruthless? >> i think he has to pursue his agenda the way president lincoln
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did, with -- yes, with relentless commitment but, of course, he'll say -- presidents have to be unifying figures, but i think the central political miscalculation was he actually thought his mere presence would -- >> when the president is talking about unity and working together tomorrow paul begala is going to be saying yadda, yadda, yadda in his head. do you agree? >> well, i think the more eloquent way to say this, is i think he needs to say that he wants unity. but not unity at all costs, there's something more important than people just getting together in this town. there are people hurting in towns across america. he has to show the willingness to work with anybody, but also the willingness to work against anybody who stops him from doing a good job as president of the united states. >> southbouisn't that what repu
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who say compromise is a dirty word -- and you should stand by your principles? >> well, i love paul, he's outing the president's second term. he should try to strike deals with the president. or does he decide that the only way to get things done is to defeat the republicans in the midterm election, to just run on politics, tactically maneuver, defeat republicans, don't worry about the nation, and do what he wants to do in the final two years? >> i am for striking deals, if you watch that movie, lincoln, you're for striking deals -- i'm for cutting deals, but i'm not just for saying everybody should come together because here i am. >> but last night -- >> when you say be ruthless, if a republican, if a tea party member said be ruthless people would be screaming at you. >> what i think he should do -- >> anderson says -- >> well, i wasn't quoting, i was -- >> i'm sure i did use that word. that means it's not just saying come let's reason together. give them something, and then
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take something. do the grimy realistic -- sometimes unpleasant work of running the country. >> and this is the magic that the movie "lincoln" illustrated. the passage of the 13th amendment happened in a far more polarized congress than the current congress we have. if they can do anything -- president obama is not going to have a major legacy piece in terms of legislative achievement if he doesn't have republican support. something has got to be struck. >> you don't see republican support. if you look at these polls, he's got 55% support overall among democrats. but among republicans -- let's take a look at this, if you look at how it breaks down among democrats, 9 in 10 democrats approve of him. that number one in ten. >> that's going to be the case for any president you have. the trick is, you have still find areas of common ground. it's going to have to be
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medicare and medicaid, the things that are making the nation go bankrupt. will he touch them? >> here's what i think. first of all, i think that this president has figured out what it takes to get republicans to come with him, i think he spent too much time trying to be too nice. it's amazing to me to hear conservatives say he never reached out. now i think he says, listen, the tougher that i am the more likely it is i'm going to have some republicans come with me. he was tough on the debt ceiling, he was tough on the fiscal showdown. when he got tough, finally, bainer had to let republicans go his way. i think he wants unity, but the path to unity is not kumbaya, it's being tough and being clear about what he wants to get done for the country. >> second terms have not worked out how most presidents think they're going to work out. something happens, president bush the financial crisis, president clinton the
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impeachment. paul, another thing you said, the inaugural is another blueprint etched in sand? >> this guy's awesome. >> the great philosopher who first said, stuff happens. president bush, who ari served -- in his first inaugural never mentioned terrorism. that was the topic that dominated his term. i reread eisenhower's inaugural, he gave a stirring speech about the cold war and confronting communism. the most important thing he did in his second term was send troops into little rock. not into berlin, but little rock to enforce desegregation, he signed the first civil rights law since the civil war. he hardly spoke about that in the second inaugural. he mentioned it, but hardly. i think these presidents have no idea what they're about to encouldn'ter. >> and outside events end up
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shaping the legacy. the president's maximum political power and validation is right now in this moment and in the next year, and the question is, did he strike while the iron is hot, and take to the tendency which will be to appeal to the democratic base and try to ram something through, or does he do something which may be against his nature and try to reach out to republicans, work with maybe marco rubio on immigration, and try to have a real legacy. >> i think your former boss saying, i have political capital to spend and i'm going to spend it. do you see the same for president obama? >> i do. and the interesting thing is, mandates are that which you create as the president. you can create more and do more if you do well. if the economy comes back and you can convince people to come with you. but there's a major issue, iran. iran is an issue the president is going to have to wrestle with in a serious way. we have breaking news now, can you almost hear the
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celebrating in baltimore. because just moments ago, the ravens beat the patriots and are heading to the super bowl. the 49ers inched out theoppon t theopponents for the trip to the super bowl. jim harbaugh played for a string of nfl teams. he followed in the foot i steps of his father. it's the first time in history this has happened, so the brother on brother matchup is clear to be a heavy story line in a leadup to the game. we're going to have a lot more coming up in this hour. let us know what you think. follow me on twitter no now @andersoncooper. how has president obama changed the country and how has washington changed the president. is this the same man he was four years ago? jodi cantor wrote a story about
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timeless words. with hope and virtue, let us wave the icy currents and endure the storms that may come. let it be said by our children's children, that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end. >> president obama's first inaugural address four years ago, we're back in the first few hours of president obama's second term. four years ago, of course, at a time of crisis, he offered hope and promised change four years later, some of that change in himself, jodi cantor has written about it. her headline -- she's written a bestseller, "the obama's" with us also tonight david gergen, he's seen presidential change from nixon to clinton. you've been writing about the obamas since they first came into congress. the role that michelle obama plays for president obama in the white house, what is that role and how has it changed?
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>> it's about the overall vision, this is not a first lady who bursts into the west wing saying, we have to do this and this and this. >> i heard she's rarely seen. >> rarely seen, the constructive thing to remember, is that she never wanted her husband to be a politician. and if he was going to be a politician, she didn't want him to become a regular politician. they talk a lot about getting past the washington noise, about why they came to washington. what they wanted to accomplish. early in the administration there was some tension over that, because she had one idea over what kind of president her husband should be, and some advisers had another. that has softened now, but we still see from her this kind of defining aspect, it's almost like she's the guardian of the ultimate obama mission. this is what you're here to do, here are the standards i expect everybody to live up to. >> when she was talking to the french first lady she called living in the white house hell,
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is that true? >> there's some discussion as to whether that is true. this is somebody who was a hospital executive in chicago, who led a totally normal life who was catapulted into the national spotlight. the great surprise of my reporting is that michelle obama was like the kid who didn't want to take the class, and then got the a plus. and someone even said to me, she ended up adjusting to this life better than her husband did, because she kind of figured out the job of first lady, and even learned to exploit some of its limitations and really made it work for her. >> yeah, i wanted to ask you, i found it an interesting piece, one of the most insightful i read about the obamas. you wrote something striking, that is that he tells others who may be seeking this job, it's hard to get change in washington and he has a contracted sense of possibility. that is to think smaller about what he might do.
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and yet in the same piece you outlined the agenda he's setting forward tomorrow in his state of the union hearing. and it's huge. how does one reconcile this contracted sense with what's possible with a big agenda. >> i think that is the suspenseful question about this second term, right? if we have so much trouble just with these budget fights in congress, and coming to common agreement when the states -- when the united states faces a looming fiscal deadline, how are we going to do something on guns if that's the president's agenda, might there be a possibility of climate change legislation, et cetera, et cetera. these are huge difficult questions that this president faces. >> how does he reconcile in. >> you've worked in the white house for a lot of different presidents, do you think the obama's experience in the white house is that much different than other presidents and first ladies? >> i think it's very similar what presidents recently have experienced. george w. bush came hoping to change the environment. bill clinton came thinking he
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could change it. the last person who began to sense there were greater possibilities was reagan, that was almost a different political age. >> you also think about, had the clintons and how bill clinton -- he seemed to revel in politics, the reaching out to people. in the article, i found it fascinating that the obamas haven't had bill and hillary clinton over for dinner. i -- i mean, she's -- all the things that bill clinton did during the campaign, all the work that hillary clinton's done, they've never had a dinner with them at the white house? >> i think this is something outsiders find confusing. the obamas can be vivacious, charming they have great public personalities. what people in washington see -- but people all over the country don't see, is that there's an introversion there, the obamas said both when the president became famous in 2004 and again when they came to washington, no
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new friends, which is the opposite of what we expect from politicians. they generally succeed by making everybody their friend. >> some people like to be president because they enjoy the office, other people relish power. >> and isn't it true, after meeting with people, he likes down time by himself. >> absolutely. if we are looking at when this presidency happens, in some sense it takes place at 10:00, 11:00 night in the second floor study, in the private residence when the president sits for hours, he turns over the problems of the presidency he writes about them, and that's when he really makes decisions. >> does he enjoy being president? >> people have asked me that question again and again. there are things about it i think he certainly enjoys, and we can see him taking a greater relish in them.
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when he did that appearance on new year's eve, right before the fiscal deadline, look, he hates budget fights, we know that. he was away from his family, during their holiday vacation, that was no fun, and yet the guy had a huge smile on his face. and that i think is something new we're seeing from barack obama, somebody used a great word to describe him recently. they said bloody minded. >> someone used that word to me. >> bloody minded in his fight with the public. >> it goes to what paul begala said about being ruthless. >> yes, absolutely. >> tomorrow this time, more inaugural balls will be underway. there's a lot happening right now. president bill clinton set a record for them in 1997, attending 14 inaugural balls on the night of his swearing-in. do you know who started the tradition of inaugural balls? we'll tell you that next as we let play us to break. .
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so this weekend as we look ahead to the next four years, we should absolutely take some time to truly enjoy this next few days. i mean, the last one was kind of fast. so we've all agreed we're going to take some time to just breathe in and enjoy it. >> that was first lady michelle obama about two hours ago tonight. today was the 57th inauguration of the president. it was the second time the official date fell on a sunday. and what we'll be watching today, is a ritual all americans grow up watching, of course. no two inaugurations are alike, but they're bound by tradition,
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and that matters. the constitution sets the date and spells out the oath every president takes. as for the tradition that seem so familiar, let's take a look at where they came from. in 008, more than 1 million people flooded the streets of washington, d.c., to celebrate an event that in many ways remains unchanged since washington was first inaugurated in 1789. >> here he is taking on a new post that the world had never heard of before. he got into new york city to get sworn in and suddenly they realized they didn't have a bible for the swearing-in, they had to conjure one up quickly from a masonic lodge. >> the bible has been used to swear in almost every president. theodore roosevelt did not use one in his inauguration. some presidents open the bible to specific passages, like bill clinton who rested his hand on
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galatio galations. some presidents use two bibles. the inaugural parade dates back to the days of george washington, but his parade was fairly small, not the spectacle we see today. >> i think the modern parade, what we'll be watching on monday emanates from 1904 when roosevelt had geronimo and apache warriors come and trappers and outdoors people. each year, the parade seemed to get better and better. ♪ >> in 1837 martin van buren became the first president to use hail to the chief at his swearing-in, which was held in march. march 4th was the previous inauguration date because it left lame duck presidents four
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months. the first inaugural ball started with james and dolly madison in 1809. dwight eisenhower began holding multiple parties. john f. kennedy attended five balls in 1961. ♪ save the last dance for me >> bill clinton's second inauguration holds the all time high for 14 events. in 1949 harry truman was the first president to have his inauguration televised. an estimated 10 million americans watched at the time it was the single most watched television event in history. presidents were now able to broadcast their speeches to the entire nation. >> we have to stand -- >> the very thought that a man in a wheelchair that had been stricken with polio who couldn't walk, is trying to put optimism into our national lungs still continues to move -- you almost get goose bumps every time you hear fdr.
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john f. kennedy's famous 1960 address lives forever because it was written so well. and he delivered it with such conviction. >> and so my fellow americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. [ applause ] >> some speeches more memorable than others, but one speech that's been shared by every president, the oath of office. the language appears in the constitution, it begins, i do solemnly swear. >> that i will faithfully execute the office of the president of the united states. >> and will to the best of my ability. >> preserve, protect and defend. >> the constitution of the united states. >> so help me god. >> so help me god. >> so help me god. >> congratulations, mr. president. >> thank you. >> best wishes. ♪ >> and we will see all of that tomorrow, presidential historian
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douglas brinkley, knows more than anyone about the 56 inaugurations that came before today. he joins me now. on inaugurations in particular as particularly important, why are they so interesting to you? >> the first one with thomas jefferson here in washington, d.c., i mean, we thought the two political parties were going to destroy america. like jefferson and adams, here jefferson in his inauguration, reminded people, i'm not a are republican or a federalist today we're americans. they become our great healing ceremony. we just had a brutal 2012 election cycle. and ostensibly for a couple days it's an ability to reflect on the past. >> you say one inauguration was the most raucous, what was that? >> andrew jackson, because he was the great commoner, the old hickory, the battle of new orleans hero.
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when he got to the white house they were serving cider and things and people came in and trashed the place. he slipped out the back of the executive mansion as it was called then, today's white house and fled to alexandria to go to gatsby tavern. >> george washington had the shortest inaugural address, 135 words? >> yes, that's all. but i think when he's tapped to be president and leaves mt. vernon and does this long horse ride and carriage ride and took a barge to new york city and was sworn in. it's wrought with tradition. this is a time for people to be glad democracy works. and with new media today, the whole world's watching. >> the longest inaugural was william henry harrison? >> he gave this long winded speech and got ill from it. it was freezing weather and he died only a month later from his own inaugural.
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you don't ever want to be ranked below william henry harrison. you find yourself below him, you're in legacy trouble. >> what are you looking for tomorrow? paul begala talked about, he thinks the president should give lip service and use all the words about uniting and stuff, and go out and be ruthless? >> i like that yuidea, but i thk most important is to have some kind of healing message. this is not a state of the union, you're not laying down a gauntlet. he's carefully reading lincoln's second inaugural. i think barack obama needs -- since the first one was historic for him, on this one, he needs to make a historic speech. i would raise the spectrum of gun control, invoke women. women brought him into power with this election, got him re-elected. it will be nice to see a woman quoted once in an inaugural. >> thank you so much. fascinating stuff. eva longoria was the co chair of the president's re-election campaign. he's now co chair of the
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presidential inaugural committee. she's becoming a power player, raising a lot of money for the president. and her journey from actress to activist. >> i did all this as an american, as a citizen of this great great country. and because i'm an actress doesn't mean i'm not literal on the subjects i talk about. try running four.ning a restaurant is hard, fortunately we've got ink.
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the folks on the national mall getting ready for tomorrow's festivities. and many of the 800,000 people expected to be out here tomorrow listening to president obama. one of the reasons president obama's getting a second term is because of the hispanic vote. a voice that's emerged as a strong activist for latinos,
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actress eva longoria is co chair of the presidential inaugural committee, also co chair of the president's re-election campaign. she spoke at the democratic national convention, where she talked about her family and she said her biggest priority, of course, is education. >> college was not an option, it was mandatory. even though we didn't have a lot of money, we made it work. i signed up for financial aid, pell grants, work study, anything i could. and just like our president and first lady, i took out loans to pay for school. i changed oil in a mechanic shop, i flipped burgers at wendys, i taught aerobics and i worked on campus to pay those loans balk. >> front page story in the wall street journal this weekend, talked about how she's becoming a power player here in washington. earlier this weekend i spoke with eva longoria. >> you must be incredibly excited. you're going to be sitting on
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the stage on monday watching the swearing-in. >> yes, it's my first inauguration, i didn't even watch it in 008 because i was working. so this is really the first time i'll be experiencing it. >> i know election night you said that you cried and you actually tweeted a picture of your friends celebrating, what do you think you're going to be thinking when you sit on that stage. >> i'll probably cry again. i'll probably be in tears again. >> it's an honor to be involved in anyway. in this whole process. >> wall street journal this weekend front page story, eva longor longoria's next role, hispanic activist in washington. it also says you're becoming a power player in washington. is that a conscious effort? what does that mean? what do you want to? >> i don't know what that means, have you to be careful with labels, i think, when people place -- anoint you in a way, it's great.
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but at the same time, you know, you've got to still do the work. >> you're co chairing the inauguration, you have events at the white house, at vice president biden's house, an event with republicans and democrats, a bipartisan luncheon. what do you hope to -- do you see yourself running for politics one day? >> no, you know, i love serving in the capacity that i'm serving now, i always say the power is with the citizen. i think -- you know, i grew up with a family of volunteers and volunteerism was really big early on, i'm going to continue to serve my country in the way i can. i have a tremendous amount of respect for politicians. and what they do. what you do journalists. >> don't try to butter me up. >> no, this is your day job, this is what you do. this is not my day job, i don't want anyone to think i consider myself on par or equal to what they do daily. >> you couldn't see your -- you don't see yourself running for
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office? >> not any time soon. i love to serve my country in this capacity, this administration or any administration asks me to do so. >> to you, what does this inauguration mean? >> to me, this election means moving the country forward. it was a slogan of obama's campaign, but there really were two very clear choices regarding a lots of issues, whether you were a woman, gaye, minority, latino. this election represents that, we're going to move forward as a country. >> the world of washington politics, is it very different? is it completely dink than? >> completely different. completely different. >> how so? >> i always say this is a greater soap opera. >> washington is? >> yes, yes. it's a really hard place to navigate. you know, any time i'm here in this -- in d.c., and doing something political, i feel like it's relevant.
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i'm not saying my day job is not, there's a place for entertainment and creating emotion, and creating a release and an outlet for people to step away from the real world is also honorable, i think. but this is -- yeah, it's a very interesting world over here. and hollywood -- hollywood can chew you up and spit you out, but it's a little easier to navigate. >> hollywood's easier to navigate? >> absolutely, yes. >> do you find -- some people role their eyes when they hear about an actress or actor becoming involved in politics. do you feel that's a hurdle you have to overcome? >> always. people say you're an actor, stick to acting. if you're a dentist, are you going to stick to teeth? i did all of this as an american, as a citizen of this great country. and because i'm an actress
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doesn't mean i'm not literal on the subjects i talk about. >> do you feel like you understand this town? or you -- do you still feel like you're in the process -- >> i'm still in the process, i'm still a student of it, yeah. very much so. >> but you like it? >> i love it, oh, gosh, i love it. i think it's fascinating, i think you all are fascinating. i think this whole place is. >> this is a town of party affiliation. >> yes. >> and there's so much gridlock. >> right. >> we've seen this endless gridlock. when you see it up close, what is it like coming into this? how do you see this gridlock? do you think it's -- is there a possible -- is it possible to find common ground? >> i think it's a really good point. i'm extremely hopeful action will be taken, i'm extremely hopeful that policies will get through and the bureaucracy and the gridlocking would stop, i do. but i'm romantic about politics. >> euro man tick about -- >> are you? you're not.
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you're pretty -- >> no, i try to operate in a world of facts and -- >> you're a realist, i'm an idealist. i like to imagine a world where, yes, we absolutely can get it done. >> and she will be on the platform with president obama watching tomorrow as we all will. coming up, presidential life in pictures. two former white house photographers capturing some of the most iconic moments of a president's -- we're going to show you remarkable behind the scenes photos and they're going to talk about how they captured them. michelle obama got rave reviews for her inaugural gown last time around. how the first lady's fashion has evolved over the years and what it means to designers in this country. we'll be right back. s® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. so you see everything the way it's meant to be seen. maybe even a little better. visit your eyecare professional today to ask about our newest lenses, transitions vantage and transitions xtractive lenses.
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we want to give you a glimpse of a presidency from behind the camera. things you often don't get to see. white house photographers are there to capture it all. the quiet moments, the family time, the oval office meeting. i'm joined now by two former white house photographers, who photographed the clinton presidency and david jean kennerly who was the white house photographer during the ford administrati administration, they're producing the official second barack obama inaugural book. you took a very unusual photograph of an angry president clinton. explain what was going on? >> it's a picture i wanted to take from the beginning of covering clinton, temper was a big part of who he was. he's got a great sense of humor, he's got a great focus, but you have to capture it all. your job in the white house is -- you get the complete look, and -- >> that's david gergen in the
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corner? >> it is. and he's kind of amused, he's out of the range. >> is that george stephanopolous? >> it is. when this started, once you worked around clinton, and i'm standing behind george, and i started thinking in my mind, this is my chance, i'm going to make it this time. i can try it, but i was really a little afraid. >> were you nervous he would direct the anger at you? >> absolutely, no, no, if i wasn't working with a little range finder -- i didn't frame the picture, i cut off clinton's hand which i wouldn't do normally. i put it back down, i was like, whew, i got away with it. and i only did it once. >> i want to show a picture you took of ford in his pajamas, it's the proof of how comfortable presidents become with their official photographers. how do you blend in and get a photo like this?
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>> well, president ford was a man without vanity, really. that's not a picture they're going to bring the pool in to photograph, it was with don rumsfeld on the right, who at the time was ford's chief of staff, early morning meeting in jap japan, and, of course, this is the photo that kept him off the best dressed list. but he was comfortable, he never told me he didn't want a certain picture published or anything. he was great to work for for a photographer. like with bob, they forgot we were in the room. >> you also have a very upclose picture with the obama's on inauguration night in 2008. it was a private moment in the elevator between the two. >> this picture was -- in fact, it was four years ago tonight. and the obama's were going to like number eight of ten balls. and she was chilly. it's like a photograph taken
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after a high school prom where the gallant guy gives his date the coat. i think this picture goes straight to their relationship also. it's a very warm relationship. you don't get to see that publicly too much. one of the advantages of being backstage. i didn't -- that remains one of my favorite pictures. >> you took a number of photos during traumatic times during the clinton white house, during the travel scandal in '93, and after the first monica lewinsky scandal in 1998. you see these pictures as a pair in a sense, how so? >> well, it's one of the things that david and i, people who work in the white house do. we're there for years. i mean, most photographic assignments are -- can be hours or minutes. they used to be a week, national geographic can be more, but i took this first picture in 1993 and then i can remember when i first saw the picture in 1998 at the -- after the state of the union, and remembering that the connection to this other picture.
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and it said a lot to me about sort of, you know, how people react. the human nature of people, i mean, the connection is mrs. clinton. mrs. clinton in the center of the travel office, it was a traumatic time, she was held responsible for that. we had just come to washington, it had gotten away from them, like things do in washington, things get away. the one on the right from '98 was a -- you know, that's inflicted and everybody thought, now we're going to get on a role, and all of a sudden it just -- it becomes so overwhelming again. >> you took photos of george w6789 bush that you see as book ends, an intense bush family during the disputed election with al gore, and then at the end, president bush leaving the white house? >> yeah, the first one was backstage election night in austin, texas. al gore had already conceded the election, but five minutes after
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that photo was taken, he called back and took it back which led us to that whole hanging chads scenario. but the final picture. the one that was taken four years ago today is george w. bush, last day as president walking out of the white house to the right is president-elect obama and what struck me about that moment was that bush never looked back, it's like, he threw the keys to the place over to obama and that was it. to me, it's a powerful moment. and also, again, goes to the transition of power of the united states. we have one party going to the next. it's peaceful, you and i have both been in places where the transitions are more difficult. >> that's for sure. thank you for taking the time to talk about these images. thank you so much. in the last four years, first lady michelle obama's had her picture taken countless times, it goes with the territory. and it comes with the pressure
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every first lady has faced. the style watchers are always looking, we heard headlines around the world when she had bangs on her 49th birthday. fashion police are never fare away. they're sizing up what she's going to wear tomorrow. and there are a lot of fashion designers on the edge of their seat. they don't know if she's going to wear their style. here's randi kaye. >> whether it's target, talbots or high end designers, michelle obama always makes a statement. alexis brian morgan. >> i remember seeing a picture of her in brazil in a one shouldered rachel roy dress with black and gold wooden bangles, quite frankly she looked kind of hot, but still very appropriate in her role. when have you ever said that a first lady looks hot? >> mrs. obama wasn't always a darling of the fashion world. sure, she knocked our socks off with that ivory ball grown.
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but in the early days of her husband's first term, she was often more buttoned up, suits and separates first game way to sheaths and those pearls ala jackie kennedy. >> she loves fashion forward jewelry, she still wears pearls and mix things 20g9. wear a cardigan, it's not just the twin set, she mixes things together. and wears it with a vintage belt, there are elements that are definitely feel jackie ochlgt, but she has completely her own twist on everything. >> reporter: alexis believes mrs. obama started out wearing what she thought she should as first lady and then started taking more fashion risks as she settled into her role. bold colors, toe flats and neon nail polish. >> her nail polish was just a great talker as her tracy reese
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dress. >> she wears a lot of clothes that have metallic sheen on it, the lights are on her, and it reflects the light. and it looks -- catches her skin in a beautiful way. that's another you thing she does, i think is really smart. >> alexis says mrs. obama's signature style has evolved into what she likes to call lady like with a twist. the look most often includes skirts and dresses that are circular, lots of florals, texture and jewel tones and, of course, sleeveless to show off her toned arms. it's a high fashion frenzy on her blog, she's wearing everything from jason woo to michael kors. many women say it's her every day style that has such appeal. >> people definitely love her style, because it's relatable. they'll see her wearing a j. crew cardigan they walked by at the mall and they can go get it themself and look just like the
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first lady. >> since she never fell into a first lady uniform or settled down with just one designer, style watchers are always wondering what she'll wear next. rah randy kay cnn washington. >> look at the styles of michelle obama, we'll have more from the national mall, talk to some folks in the crowd when we come back. ars ago, my doctor toe to take a centrum silver multivitamin every day. i told him, sure. can't hurt, right? then i heard this news about a multivitamin study looking at long-term health benefits for men over 50. the one they used in that study... centrum silver. that's what i take. my doctor! he knows his stuff. [ male announcer ] centrum. the most recommended. most preferred. most studied. centrum, always your most complete. ♪ [ male announcer ] some day, your life will flash before your eyes.
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